Smart Ways To Adopt For A Risk-Free Pregnancy

Gynecological and obstetrical issues are more complicated than other health issues. This is why treatment of these issues merits special attention and infrastructure. Indeed, in case of an obstetric issue like childbirth, the doctor needs to track the fetus right from the date of conception of pregnancy. An early pregnancy scan followed by periodical scans is a must for observing the growth and other issues related to the child. You need to visit the doctor at regular intervals to make sure that the fetus is growing and does not have any abnormality. 


6 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound


Although the stage in pregnancy starting from the conception to the 8th week is known to be embryonic, the sixth week of pregnancy is a crucial time. Around this time, many of the organs of your baby start taking shape. Your pregnancy hormones are now in full swing and contributing to various symptoms like fatigue, sore breasts, headache, etc. So, an ultrasound Baby Scan 6 Weeks is crucial. It can throw light on the real developments of the fetus vis-à-vis the expected developments.


Scans Help Map The Progress


Ultrasound scans are crucial for your pregnancy since they track the progress of the baby. However, you need to make sure that only qualified Sonographers or doctors with pregnancy scanning experience are performing the scans. 


Types of Pregnancy Scans


*         Early Pregnancy Scan-Pregnancy scans are performed in stages. The early pregnancy scans carried out during the 7th to 11th weeks are known as pregnancy confirmation scans. A 5 weeks pregnant ultrasound and other scans thereafter are done primarily to establish the viability of the pregnancy as well as the type of pregnancy such as single or multiple pregnancies. 


*         Reassurance scan-In comparison to 6 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound, the scans carried out from 13 to 16 weeks are known as reassurance scans. They are done to reconfirm the status of your baby after the 12-week scan. The primary purpose is to reassure the viability and status of the pregnancy. Needless to say, no sex determination is done.


*         4D bonding scan-These scans are ideally carried out between 24 to 32 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors perform these scans to check the wellbeing of the baby such as their heartbeat and movement. 




If you are pregnant or are willing to get pregnant in near future, it may be a good idea to look for a clinic that deals exclusively with gynecological and obstetric issues. These people have dedicated people and facilities for health issues involving women. 


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